LokhuIndwangu ye-poly rayon spandexingenye yemikhiqizo yethu eshisayo ethengiswayo, esetshenziswa kahle isudi, iyunifomu.Futhi kungani idume kangaka?Mhlawumbe kunezizathu ezintathu.

1.Four way stretch

Isici sale ndwangu ukuthi kunjaloIndwangu ye-4 way stretch.Ukwakheka yi-75% Polyester, 19% Rayon, 6% Spandex.Futhi isisindo singu-300GM.4-way stretch fabrics can inwearing in both directions-crosswise and long wise, okudala ukunwebeka okungcono.Futhi njengoba kuyisibalo- impahla ethophayo. I-Spandex inyusa ukumelana nokugqokwa komkhiqizo, ngasikhathi sinye ayinciphisi izinzuzo zezinye izinto.

2.Imibala eminingi ezimpahleni ezilungile

Manje sekunemibala eyikhulu yale ndwangu, imibala egqamile noma imibala emnyama, incike kuwe kuphela. Sisebenzisa ukudaya okusebenzayo, ukuze ibe nombala omuhle. Futhi eminingi yayo isezimpahla ezilungile. Ngakho-ke i-roll eyodwa ilungile (i-roll eyodwa ingu-100-130m), amakhasimende angathatha umqulu owodwa nje ukuze ayizame.

1819色卡 (6)
1819色卡 (4)
1819色卡 (3)


Le ndwangu ye-poly rayon spandex nayo ingaphrintwa.Ikhasimende lethu lihlinzeka ngomklamo walo futhi lifuna ukwenza umfaniswano wabahlengikazi.Ngokwezidingo zekhasimende lethu, siyaphrinta kule ndwangu.Futhi ekugcineni, yaneliswa ikhasimende lethu.Ngakho-ke vele unikeze eyakho imiklamo, singakwenza!

ephrintiwe i-poly rayon yelula iyunifomu yendwangu yesudi

Uma unentshisekelo ngendwangu ye-poly rayon nomaindwangu yoboya,singahlinzeka ngesampula yamahhala.Siyakwamukela ukuthintana nathi!

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Jun-28-2022
  • Amanda
  • Amanda2025-03-28 01:19:42
    Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!

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Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!