1.Ko te papanga RPET he momo hou o te papanga hangarua me te papanga taiao. Ko tona ingoa katoa ko te Recycled PET Fabric (recycled polyester fabric). Ko ona rawa he miro RPET i hangaia mai i nga ipu PET hangarua na roto i te tirotiro i te kounga o te wehenga-te tapahi-te tuhi, te whakamatao me te kohinga. E mohiotia ana ko Coke pounamu he kakahu tiaki taiao.

REPT papanga

2.Organic miro: Ka hangaia te miro organic i roto i nga mahi ahuwhenua me nga maniua waro, te whakahaere koiora o nga riha me nga mate, me te whakahaere ahuwhenua taiao. Kaore e whakaaetia nga hua matū. Mai i nga kakano tae noa ki nga hua ahuwhenua, he mea maori katoa, he kore poke.

Te papanga miro pararopi

3.Colored miro: Ko te miro tae he momo hou o te miro i roto i nga muka miro he tae taiao. Ko te miro tae maori he momo kakano hou i whakatipuhia e te hangarau hangarau koiora hou, a he tae maori te muka i te wa e whakatuwherahia ana te miro. Ka whakatauritea ki te miro noa, he ngawari, he manawa, he rapa, he pai ki te kakahu, no reira ka kiia hoki He taumata teitei o te miro kaiao.

Te papanga miro tae

4.Bamboo muka: Ko te rauemi mata o te miro muka bamboo he bamboo, a ko te miro muka-poto i hangaia e te muka penupenu bamboo he hua matomato. Ko te papanga miro me nga kakahu i mahia mai i te miro miro i mahia mai i tenei rauemi mata he rerekee mai i te miro me te rakau. Ko te ahua ahurei o te muka cellulose: te aukati abrasion, kaore he pilling, he nui te makuku me te whakamaroke tere, te kaha o te hau, te pai o te pai, te maeneene me te pupuhi, te hiraka ngawari, te anti-koriri, te moth-proof me te anti-bacterial, te makariri me te pai ki te kakahu, me te ataahua Te painga o te tiaki kiri.

He pai te taiao 50% Polyester 50% papanga bamboo

5.Soybean muka: Ko te muka pūmua Soybean ko te muka pūmua tipu kua whakahekehia, he maha nga ahuatanga pai o te muka taiao me te muka matū.

6. hemp muka: he muka hemp he muka i riro mai i nga momo tipu hemp, tae atu ki nga muka oro o te uho o nga tipu dicotyledonous otaota o te tau, o te koiora ranei me nga muka rau o nga tipu monocotyledonous

papanga muka hemp

7.Wūru Organic: Ka tipuhia te wūru pararopi ki ngā pāmu kore he matū me te GMO.

Te wa tuku: Mei-26-2023
  • Amanda
  • Amanda2025-03-26 19:31:41
    Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!

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Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!