polyester teffeta ntaub


Dawb weave polyester ntaub

Warp thiab Weft: 68D / 24FFDY tag nrho polyester semi-gloss tiaj weave.

Feem ntau suav nrog: 170T, 190T, 210T, 240T, 260T, 300T, 320T, 400T

T: qhov sib npaug ntawm warp thiab weft ntom nyob rau hauv nti, xws li 190T yog qhov sib npaug ntawm warp thiab weft ntom yog 190 (feem ntau yog tsawg dua 190).

Kev siv: feem ntau yog siv hauv ob sab phlu


Plain weave nylon ntaub

70D lossis 40D nylon FDY rau warp thiab weft,

Ceev: 190T-400T

Tam sim no muaj ntau yam derivatives ntawm Nisifang, tag nrho cov hu ua Nisifang, xws li twill, satin, plaid, jacquard thiab hais txog.

Siv: Txiv neej thiab poj niam cov khaub ncaws fabrics. Coated nylon yog airtight, impervious rau dej, thiab muaj zog tiv taus. Nws yog siv los ua ib daim ntaub rau lub caij ski tsho, raincoats, lub hnab pw, thiab toj roob hauv pes suits.

nylon taffeta ntaub
polyester pongee ntaub


Dawb weave polyester ntaub

Yam tsawg kawg yog ib qho ntawm warp thiab weft yog tsawg elastic (network) xov paj.Lub warp thiab weft yog tag nrho cov xov paj elastic hu ua full-elastic pongee, thiab radial filaments hu ua ib nrab-elastic pongee.

Tus thawj pongee yog dawb weave, tam sim no muaj ntau yam derivatives, cov specifications yog tiav heev, thiab qhov ceev yog los ntawm 170T mus rau 400T Muaj semi-gloss, matte, twill, taw tes, sawb, tiaj daim phiaj, ntab daim phiaj, pob zeb diamond daim phiaj, football daim phiaj, waffle daim phiaj, oblique daim phiaj, plum paj daim phiaj.

Siv: "Ib nrab-stretch pongee" ntaub tau siv los ua cov khoom siv hauv ob sab phlu, suits, tsho, menyuam hnav, thiab kev hnav khaub ncaws; "tag nrho-stretch pongee" tuaj yeem siv los ua cov tsho, cov tsho xws li, cov menyuam yaus hnav, thiab lwm yam., cov txheej txheem dej tsis zoo Cov ntaub tuaj yeem siv los ua cov dej tsis zoo.


Plain weave polyester, nylon ntaub

Latitude thiab longitude yam tsawg kawg yog 150D thiab siab dua Polyester Oxford ntaub: filament, elastic yarn, siab elastic yarn Nylon Oxford ntaub: filament, velvet Oxford ntaub, nylon paj rwb Oxford ntaub

Loj: 150D * 150D, 200D * 200D, 300D * 300D, 150D * 200D, 150D * 300D, 200D * 400D, 600D * 600D, 300D * 450D, 300D 600D D, 900D * 900D , 1200D * 1200D, 1680D, txhua yam ntawm jacquard

Siv: Feem ntau yog siv los ua lub hnab

oxford ntaub


Plain weave feem ntau yog nylon, tab sis kuj polyester ntaub

ATY yog siv rau kev taw qhia weft, thiab tus lej D nyob rau hauv qhov kev taw qhia weft yog tsawg kawg yog ob zaug tus lej D nyob rau hauv radial kev taw qhia.

Pa: nylon velvet, 70D nylon FDY * 160D nylon ATY, ntom: 178T, 184T, 196T, 228T Muaj ntau yam plaid, twill, jacquard velvet

Siv: tsho, khaub ncaws fabrics, hnab, thiab lwm yam.


Plain weave, twill weave, satin weave, polyester, nylon

Peach daim tawv nqaij yog ib hom nyias sanded pawg ntaub woven los ntawm ultrafine hluavtaws fibers. Qhov saum npoo ntawm cov ntaub yog npog nrog luv luv, zoo thiab zoo fluff. Nws muaj lub luag haujlwm ntawm kev nqus dej noo, breathability thiab tsis muaj dej, thiab muaj qhov zoo li silk-zoo li thiab style. Cov ntaub yog mos, ci, thiab du rau qhov kov.

Weft kev taw qhia 150D / 144F los yog 288F nplua denier fiber Warp kev taw qhia: 75D / 36F los yog 72F DTY network hlau

Weft kev taw qhia: 150D / 144F lossis 288F DTY network hlau

Vim yog cov nplua denier fibers, peach daim tawv nqaij muaj ib tug zoo wool zoo li tom qab xuab zeb

Kev siv: lub puam puam, khaub ncaws (jackets, dresses, thiab lwm yam) fabrics, kuj siv tau raws li lub hnab, khau thiab kaus mom, rooj tog kho kom zoo nkauj


Post lub sij hawm: Feb-20-2023
  • Amanda
  • Amanda2025-03-17 08:31:02
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