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    Dùthchannan Às-mhalairt


ar taisbeanadh sgrùdaidh cùise

Halo, thig a choimhead air na toraidhean againn!


Tha Shaoxing Yun Ai Textile Co., Earr. na neach-dèanamh proifeasanta ann an Sìona gus stuthan aodaich a dhèanamh, a bharrachd air sgioba luchd-obrach sàr-mhath. deise / èideadh / lèine / leasachadh aodach teicneòlas a-muigh, cinneasachadh agus reic.

Is e ar neart

Seirbheis teachdaiche, sàsachd luchd-cleachdaidh

Am fiosrachadh as ùire againn

faic barrachd
  • Amanda
  • Amanda2025-03-25 14:08:05
    Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!

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Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!