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    Prosiectau Gorffenedig

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    Swm Cynnyrch

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    Amout Gwerthu

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    Gwledydd Allforio


ein sioe astudiaeth achos

Helo, dewch i ymgynghori â'n cynnyrch!


Mae Shaoxing Yun Ai tecstilau Co, Ltd yn wneuthurwr proffesiynol yn Tsieina i wneud cynhyrchion ffabrig, yn ogystal â thîm staff rhagorol. siwt / gwisg / crys / datblygu ffabrig technoleg awyr agored, cynhyrchu a gwerthu.

Ein cryfderau ni

Gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid, boddhad cwsmeriaid

Ein gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf

gweld mwy
  • Amanda
  • Amanda2025-03-21 20:21:07
    Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!

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Hello, I’m Amanda, a customer service representative of Yunai Textile. I’m available to serve you online 24 hours a day. If you have any questions about fabrics, feel free to ask me, and I will give you detailed introductions!